
Hello and welcome to Blue House Studio's blog. Keep up to date on the goings on in my world of art and teaching! Also check out my art and photography that will be posted often!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bronchitis, Conferences and Ear Infection oh MY! Where is the wizard when I need him!

So its Tuesday of our 2 day parent teacher conferences and I am on no sleep because I have bronchitis and my daughter has double ear infection.  Stayed home yesterday, but I couldn't miss two days of parent teacher conferences!  The whole 4 that I had.  So I worked on my MCP Project 52.  Let me tell you it was a hard one, Open your Heart.  Fitting for V day, that I spent sick!  It didn't really inspire me, just made me think of Madonna!  So it hit me while I was sitting wondering what I could do to pass my time....I have a cool heart shaped bottle in my still life cupboard!  The teacher before me had taught forever and he must have love wine so I have TONS of wine bottles and they are mostly packed into one shelf.  So I played hide and seek with the heart shaped wine bottle!  I add some actions, love MCP and a texture!!!!!

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